prerequisites: trained in Society
type: ability

Found 4 matches

Courtly Graces
Level 1 General Skill

Prerequisites: trained in Society

You were raised among the nobility or have learned proper
etiquette and bearing, allowing you to present yourself as a
noble and play games of influence and politics. You can use
Society to Make an Impression on a noble, as well as with
Impersonate to pretend to be a noble if you aren’t one. If you
want to impersonate a specific noble, you still need to use
Deception to Impersonate normally, and to Lie when necessary.

Read Lips
Level 1 General Skill

Prerequisites: trained in Society

You can read lips of others nearby who you can clearly see. When
you’re at your leisure, you can do this automatically. In encounter
mode or when attempting a more difficult feat of lipreading,
you’re fascinated and flat-footed during each round in which you
focus on lip movements, and you must succeed at a Society check
(DC determined by the GM) to successfully read someone’s lips. In
either case, the language read must be one that you know.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have Read Lips,
you recognize the lip movements for the spoken form of
your languages. You can also speak the spoken form of your
languages clearly enough for others to understand you.

Sign Language
Level 1 General Skill

Prerequisites: trained in Society

You learn the sign languages associated with the languages
you know, allowing you to sign and understand signs. Sign
languages typically require both hands to convey more complex
concepts, and they are visual rather than auditory.

Sign language is difficult to understand during combat due
to the level of attention needed, unlike basic gestures like
pointing at a foe to suggest a target. Sign language is hard to
use in areas of low visibility, just like speech is difficult in a
noisy environment.

Level 1 General Skill

Prerequisites: trained in Society

You know about life on the streets and feel the pulse of your
local settlement. You can use your Society modifier instead
of your Diplomacy modifier to Gather Information. In any
settlement you frequent regularly, you can use the Recall
action with Society to know the same sorts of
information that you could discover with Diplomacy to Gather
. The DC is usually significantly higher, but you
know the information without spending time gathering it. If
you fail to recall the information, you can still subsequently
attempt to Gather Information normally.