level: 8
type: ability

Found 56 matches

Quick Shield Block
Level 8 Fighter

Prerequisites: shield block, Reactive Shield

You can bring your shield into place with hardly a thought. At the start of each of your turns, you gain an additional reaction that you can use only to Shield Block.

Sudden Leap
Level 8 Fighter

You make an impressive leap and swing while you soar. Make a Leap, High Jump, or Long Jump and attempt one melee Strike at any point during your jump. Immediately after the Strike, you fall to the ground if you’re in the air, even if you haven’t reached the maximum distance of your jump. If the distance you fall is no more than the height of your jump, you take no damage and land upright.

When attempting a High Jump or Long Jump during a Sudden Leap, determine the DC using the Long Jump DCs, and increase your maximum distance to double your Speed.

Arrow Snatching
Level 8 Monk

Prerequisites: Deflect Arrow

You pluck missiles from the air and hurl them back at their source. When you successfully deflect an attack with Deflect Arrow, as part of that reaction, you can immediately make a ranged Strike against the attacker using the projectile you deflected. This is a thrown weapon with the same range increment and effect on a hit as the triggering attack.

Ironblood Stance
Level 8 Monk Stance

You enter the stance of impenetrable iron, refusing to yield to any blow. You can make iron sweep unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage; are in the brawling group; and have the nonlethal, parry, sweep, and unarmed traits.

While in Ironblood Stance, you gain resistance 2 to all damage. The resistance increases to 3 at 12th level, to 4 at 16th level, and to 5 at 20th level.

Mixed Maneuver
Level 8 Monk

Prerequisites: master in Athletics

You combine two different maneuvers together into a single flowing whole. Choose any two of Grapple, Shove, and Trip. Attempt both of the attacks you chose against the same or different creatures, but don’t apply the multiple attack penalty until after resolving both attacks.

Tangled Forest Stance
Level 8 Monk Stance

Trigger: You are unarmored

You extend your arms like gnarled branches to interfere with your foes’ movements. You can make lashing branch unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 slashing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits.

While you’re in Tangled Forest Stance and can act, every enemy in your reach that tries to move away from you must succeed at a Reflex save, Acrobatics check, or Athletics check against your class DC or be immobilized for that action. If you prefer, you can allow the enemy to move.

Wall Run
Level 8 Monk

You defy gravity, traversing vertical planes as easily as the ground. Stride up to your Speed. You must start your movement on a horizontal surface. During this movement, you can run up vertical surfaces, like walls, at your full Speed. If you end the Stride off the ground, you fall after taking your next action or when your turn ends, whichever comes first (though you can Grab an Edge, if applicable). If you have Water Step or a similar ability, Wall Run lets you run along flimsy vertical surfaces, as well as vertical liquids, such as a waterfall.

Wild Winds Initiate
Level 8 Monk

Prerequisites: ki spells

You learn a mystical stance that lets you attack from a distance. You gain the wild winds stance ki spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. While entering the stance is a ki spell, the wind crash Strikes the stance grants are not, so you can use them as often as you like while in the stance.

Blind Fight
Level 8 Ranger

Prerequisites: master in Perception

Your battle instincts make you more aware of concealed and invisible opponents. You don’t need to succeed at a flat check to target concealed creatures. You’re not flat-footed to creatures that are hidden from you (unless you’re flat-footed to them for reasons other than the hidden condition), and you need only a successful DC 5 flat check to target a hidden creature.

While you’re adjacent to an undetected creature of your level or lower, it is instead only hidden from you.

Deadly Aim
Level 8 Open Ranger

Prerequisites: weapon specialization

You aim for your prey’s weak spots, making your shot more challenging but dealing more damage if you hit. Make a ranged Strike against your hunted prey at a –2 penalty. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to damage on that Strike. This bonus increases to +6 at 11th level and +8 at 15th level.