level: 6
type: ability

Found 58 matches

Mountain Stronghold
Level 6 Monk

Prerequisites: Mountain Stance

You focus on your connection to the earth and call upon the mountain to block attacks against you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn.

Special If you have this feat, the Dexterity modifier cap to your AC while you’re in Mountain Stance increases from +0 to +1.

Tiger Slash
Level 6 Monk

Prerequisites: Tiger Stance

You make a fierce swipe with both hands. Make a tiger claw Strike. It deals two extra weapon damage dice (three extra dice if you’re 14th level or higher), and you can push the target 5 feet away as if you had successfully Shoved them. If the attack is a critical success and deals damage, add your Strength modifier to the persistent bleed damage from your tiger claw.

Water Step
Level 6 Monk

You can Stride across liquid and surfaces that don’t support your weight. This benefit lasts only during your movement. If you end your movement on a surface that can’t support you, you fall in or it collapses as normal.

Whirling Throw
Level 6 Monk

You propel your grabbed or restrained foe a great distance. You can throw the creature any distance up to 10 feet, plus 5 feet × your Strength modifier. If you successfully throw the creature, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier plus 1d6 per 10 feet you threw it. Attempt an Athletics check against the foe’s Fortitude DC. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to your check if the target is one size larger than you and a –4 circumstance penalty if it’s larger than that. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check if the target is one size smaller than you and a +4 circumstance bonus if it’s smaller than that.

Critical Success You throw the creature the desired distance and it lands prone.

Success You throw the creature the desired distance.

Failure You don’t throw the creature.

Critical Failure You don’t throw the creature, and it’s no longer grabbed or restrained by you.

Wolf Drag
Level 6 Monk

Prerequisites: Wolf Stance

You rip your enemy off their feet. Make a wolf jaw Strike. Your wolf jaw gains the fatal d12 trait for this Strike, and if the attack succeeds, you knock the target prone.

Mature Animal Companion
Level 6 Ranger

Prerequisites: Animal Companion

Your animal companion grows up, becoming a mature animal companion and gaining additional capabilities (page 214). If you have the Hunt Prey action, your animal companion assaults the prey even without your orders. During an encounter, even if you don’t use the Command an Animal action, your animal companion can still use 1 action that round on your turn to Stride toward or Strike your prey.

Quick Snares
Level 6 Ranger

Prerequisites: expert in Crafting, Snare Specialist

You can rig a snare in only moments. You can Craft snares that normally take 1 minute to Craft with 3 Interact actions, even if you haven’t prepared them.

Skirmish Strike
Level 6 Flourish Ranger

Your feet and weapon move in tandem. Either Step and then Strike, or Strike and then Step.

Snap Shot
Level 6 Ranger

You’ve learned to react with ranged weapons when a creature is in close quarters. You can use a reaction that normally allows you to make a melee weapon Strike to instead make a ranged weapon Strike. You must be Striking an adjacent target. If necessary for the reaction’s trigger, you treat your ranged weapon as if it had a reach of 5 feet. If the reaction has other requirements, such as wielding a specific kind of weapon, Snap Shot doesn’t allow you to ignore them; it allows you only to replace a melee weapon Strike with a ranged weapon Strike.

Swift Tracker
Level 6 Ranger

Prerequisites: expert in Survival, Experienced Tracker

Your keen eyes catch signs of passage even when you’re moving. You can move at your full Speed while you Track. If you have master proficiency in Survival, you don’t need to attempt a new Survival check every hour while Tracking. If you have legendary proficiency in Survival, you can use another exploration activity while Tracking.

If you roll Survival for initiative while tracking your hunted prey, when you start your first turn of the encounter, you can Stride toward your hunted prey as a free action.