level: 5
range: touch
type: spell

Found 9 matches

House of Imaginary Walls bard visual Cantrip Composition Illusion
Type: Cantrip Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: 1 Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: somatic Range: touch
False Vision Uncommon Illusion
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: None Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: 10 minutes (material, somatic, verbal) Range: touch Area: 100-foot burst
Mariner's Curse Attack Necromancy Curse
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: 2 Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: somatic, verbal Range: touch
Passwall Uncommon Conjuration Earth
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: 2 Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: somatic, verbal Range: touch Area: 5-foot-wide, 10-foot-tall, 10-foot deep section of wooden, plaster, or stone wall
Shadow Walk shadow Uncommon Teleportation Conjuration
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: None Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: 1 minute (material, somatic, verbal) Range: touch
Telepathic Bond mental divination Uncommon
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: None Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: 1 minute (material, somatic, verbal) Range: touch
Tongues divination Uncommon
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: 2 Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: somatic, verbal Range: touch
Death Ward Abjuration
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: 2 Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: somatic, verbal Range: touch
Dreaming Potential mental Enchantment
Type: Spell Level: 5 Traditions: None Action: None Cost: None requirements: None Trigger: None Components: 10 minutes (material, somatic, verbal) Range: touch