Masterful Hunter

Level 17

You have honed your abilities as a hunter to incredible levels. Your proficiency rank
for your ranger class DC increases to master. When using a ranged weapon that you
have master proficiency in, you can ignore the penalty if attacking your hunted prey
within the weapon’s second and third range increments.

If you have master proficiency in Perception, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to
Perception checks when you Seek your prey, and if you have master proficiency in
Survival, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when you Track your prey.
You also gain an additional benefit depending on your hunter’s edge.

Flurry: You can blend your weapon mastery with skillful targeting to make a
series of precise attacks. If you have master proficiency with your weapon, your
multiple attack penalty for attacks against your hunted prey is –2 (–1 with an agile
weapon) on your second attack of the turn, and –4 (–2 with an agile weapon) on
your third and subsequent attacks of the turn.

Precision: Your weapon mastery allows you to hit your prey’s vital areas multiple
times. The second time in a round you hit your hunted prey, you also deal 1d8
precision damage. At 19th level, your second hit in a round against your hunted prey
deals 2d8 precision damage, and your third hit in a round against your hunted prey
deals 1d8 precision damage.

Outwit: Your mastery of skills allows you to overwhelm your prey. If you have
master proficiency in Deception, Intimidation, Stealth, or the skill you use to Recall
about your prey, increase the circumstance bonus against the prey with
that skill from +2 to +4. If you have master proficiency with your armor, increase the
circumstance bonus to AC against the prey from +1 to +2.