
Spell 9

mental divination prediction

Cast: somatic, verbal

Trigger: The target of foresight defends against a hostile creature or other danger.

Range: touch

Targets: 1 creature

Duration: 1 hour


You gain a sixth sense that warns you of danger that might befall the target of the spell. If you choose a creature other than yourself as the target, you create a psychic link through which you can inform the target of danger. This link is a mental effect. Due to the amount of information this spell requires you to process, you can't have more than one foresight spell in effect at a time. Casting foresight again ends the previous foresight. While foresight is in effect, the target gains a +2 status bonus to initiative rolls and isn't flat-footed against undetected creatures or when flanked. In addition, you gain the following reaction.