

You try to provide food and shelter for yourself, and possibly others as well, with a standard of living described on page 294.

The GM determines the DC based on the nature of the place where you’re trying to Subsist. You might need a minimum proficiency rank to Subsist in particularly strange environments.

Unlike most downtime activities, you can Subsist after 8 hours or less of exploration, but if you do, you take a –5 penalty.

  • Critical Success You either provide a subsistence living for yourself and one additional creature, or you improve your own food and shelter, granting yourself a comfortable living.
  • Success You find enough food and shelter with basic protection from the elements to provide you a subsistence living.
  • Failure You’re exposed to the elements and don’t get enough food, becoming fatigued until you attain sufficient food and shelter.
  • Critical Failure You attract trouble, eat something you shouldn’t, or otherwise worsen your situation. You take a –2 circumstance penalty to checks to Subsist for 1 week. You don’t find any food at all; if you don’t have any stored up, you’re in danger of starving or dying of thirst if you continue failing.